Cat and Dog Acupuncture in Dallas, TX
If your pet suffers from chronic pain caused by arthritis, traumatic nerve injury, chronic systemic disease, skin issues, gastrointestinal problems, or other maladies you might want to consider veterinary acupuncture. Dr. Teri Rowan specializes in veterinary acupuncture for dogs and cats; as well as, other forms of alternative medicine. She would be happy to help get your four-legged companion back on the road to wellness. Call (214) 826-4166 to learn how Dr. Rowan can help your pet!
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a medical practice that originated in China centuries ago. The purpose of this traditional Chinese medicine is to treat a wide variety of conditions for people, as well as our pets. When combined with other alternative or conventional veterinary therapies, acupuncture is a useful modality which can treat a vast amount of ailments our pets experience. It’s one of the safest forms of treatment for animals when conducted by a trained veterinarian.
Unlike medications and surgery, pet acupuncture does not produce any adverse side effects and there is no long or painful recovery time. In addition, regular acupuncture sessions have been shown to treat minor sports injuries or even guard against injuries in animal athletes.
Extensive clinical research has been done over the years on whether acupuncture actually works or not. Time and again, the results from studies come back positive, giving credibility to the medical practice. In 2014, the American Veterinary Medical Association recognized and admitted the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture into the House of Delegates as a constituent allied veterinary organization.
What Happens During an Acupuncture Treatment?
During treatment at our animal hospital in Dallas, TX, Dr. Rowan will insert very thin needles into specific places where nerves and blood vessels are close together – or acupuncture points – on your pet’s body. The needles stimulate the points causing the desired physiological changes which allow the body to begin healing itself.
A few of the changes seen are:
- Blood circulation increases
- Nervous system stimulation
- Pain relieving and anti-inflammatory hormones are released
- Muscle spasms are relieved
Acupuncture treatment is virtually painless, and results can be seen in as little as 24 hours. For more information on our acupuncture services, or to set up an appointment for your pet, please call us at (214) 826-4166 today!